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Banking Awareness Questions - 09th August 2014 by Gandhi Raveendra Reddy

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Here I am sharing some banking questions which are important for bank exams.
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Banking Awareness Questions - 07th August 2014
61. PP Form:
Answer: Exports to all countries by parcel post
62. Form A-1:
Answer: For Imports exceeding USD 500 or its equivalent
63. Form A-2:
Answer: In respect of remittance applications for miscellaneous non-trade current account transactions of value not exceeding USD 5,000
64. Import of Forex into India- Submission of CDF form:
Answer: where the aggregate value of the foreign exchange in the form of currency notes, bank notes or travelers’ cheques exceeds USD 10,000 or value of Currency Notes exceeds USD 5,000
65. Types of R-Returns:
Answer: Two types i.e. R-Return (NOSTRO) and R-Return (VOSTRO).
66. R-Returns should be submitted:
Answer: Twice a month as at the close of business on 15th and the last day of the month to reach RBI within 7 calendar days from the close of period.
67. Remittances from NRO accounts:
Answer: Not exceeding USD 1 million per financial year
68. PNB Global Credit Card:
Answer: Minimum Income Rs. 80000, Maximum Rs. 2.00 lac for salaried and Rs. 1.40 lac for businessmen
69. Credit Guarantee Fund for SME:
Answer: One time guarantee fee of 1.5% of the credit facility sanctioned, Annual Service fee of 0.75% of credit facility sanctioned.
70. Appeal against the order of DRT:
Answer: Can be filed in DRAT within 45 days from the date of receipt of order of DRT.
71. Service charges for NEFT transactions:
Answer: Rs.5 for transfer of funds up to Rs.1 lakh and Rs.25 for transactions of Rs.1 lakh and above.
72. Risk weights on banks’ exposures to all unrated claims on corporates:
Answer: 100 per cent
73. The ceiling rate on export credit in foreign currency was raised from:
Answer: LIBOR + 100 basis points to LIBOR + 350 basis points.
74. The period of entitlement of the first slab of post-shipment rupee export credit extended:
Answer: From 90 days to 180 days.
75. Changes in the concept of Priority Sector:
Answer: Retail Trade will not be a separate segment. It has been included in SME sector. Loans granted by banks to HFCs for on-lending for housing up to Rs.20 lakh per dwelling unit
76. Penal Interest to Large Units for delayed payment to SME sector:
Answer: Three times Bank rate presently 18%.
77. Age limit for Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP):
Answer: 18 years and above.
78. Eligibility under PMEGP:
Answer: Projects costing upto Rs.10.00 lacs (maximum) under business/service sector and Rs.25.00 lacs (maximum) under manufacturing sector.
79. Right to Information Act 2005 came to effect w.e.f:
Answer: 15.06.05
80. JLG group may have:
Answer: 4-10 members.
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